In 1455, the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II ordered a census of taxpayers in the recently conquered city of Constantinople and its suburb Galata. The survey of 1455 is an Ottoman defter or tax register. Defters typically record only the names of tax-paying adult males. The 1455 survey includes the names of a handful of women, usually widows or heads of households. Like most official Ottoman records, the 1455 survey was written in Ottoman Turkish, using a Persian-influenced Arabic script. İnalcik Halil published a transcription and translation of the survey, The Survey of Istanbul 1455 (Ege Yayinlari, 2012). This article lists the given names of all people identified as Turkish in the survey. In our analysis, we use İnalcik's transcription of names according to modern Turkish spellings.
A few people in the survey were identified by a single name that might properly be considered a byname. Examples include Düdükcü-oglu, which means 'son of Düdükcü', and Hacı, which means 'pilgrim to Mecca'. We have retained these names in our list.
Feminine Given Names
Feminine Given Names |
Gül |
Gülpaşa |
Marula |
Melek |
Sabûr |
Selçuk |
Masculine Given Names
Masculine Given Names |
`Abdi |
`Âdil |
Abdal |
Abdurrahman |
Ahad |
Ahî `Abd |
Ahmed |
Alî |
Armagan |
Arslan |
Âşık |
Aslan |
Aslıhan |
Aydoğmuş |
Ayvad |
Aziz |
Bahşayiş |
Balabân |
Bâli |
Bazarlu |
Begi |
Bekir |
Bekmiş |
Bektaş |
Davud |
Demirtaş |
Derviş |
Devlet |
Devlethan |
Direk |
Doğan |
Düdükcü-oglu |
Duñrul |
Elvan |
Elvend |
Enbiyâ |
Eyne |
Eynebegi |
Eynebeyi |
Eynehan |
Eyüb |
Fazlullah |
Fîrûz |
Habîb |
Hacı |
Halil |
Hamîd |
Hamza |
Hasan |
Hayreddîn |
Hazır |
Hızır |
Hızır-oglu |
Hoca |
Hoşkadem |
Hüseyin |
İbrâhîm |
İdrîs |
İhtiyâr |
İlyâs |
`İsâ |
İshak |
Iskender |
İsma`il |
İsrail |
İvaz |
Kalfal |
Kara Ali |
Karaca |
Karagöz |
Karakoç |
Karaman |
Karasaka |
Kasım |
Kasîm |
Kılaguz |
Köse |
Kutluca |
Mahmud |
Mehmed |
Menteşa |
Mes`ûd |
Mikayil |
Mua |
Mu'arrif |
Muhammed |
Muhammedî |
Mukbil |
Murad |
Mursel |
Musâ |
Muslihiddîn |
Mustafa |
Müstecib |
Muta |
Nasîf |
Nebî |
Ni'metullâh |
Oğurlu |
Ömer |
Ömru |
Oruc-begi |
Osman |
Pîrî |
Ramazan |
Receb |
Resûl |
Sadık |
Sâfî |
Şahin |
Saltuk |
Sandal |
Sarı |
Saruca |
Savcı |
Segid |
Şeref |
Sevindik |
Seydî |
Şeyhpaşa |
Sinan |
Şîrmerd |
Sülemiş-oglu |
Süleyman |
Sultanşah |
Tahir |
Tanrıvermiş |
Tarhan |
Taşbegi |
Timurtaş |
Torud |
Turahan |
Turalı |
Türkman |
Turmış |
Tursun |
Umurca |
Yahşi |
Yahya |
Ya'kûb |
Yarar |
Yegen |
Yulâd |
Yunus |
Yûsuf |
Yusufhan |
Zekeriya |
Zekeriyya |