Personal Names in Monumental Inscriptions From Persia and Transoxiana

Ursula Georges

Introduction - Isms - Full Data

Full Data

The following table collects all of the personal names found in The Monumental Inscriptions from Early Islamic Iran and Transoxiana, except for religious references to the Prophet Muh.ammad, his contemporaries, and descendants. Editorial expansions and glosses are contained in brackets; further information about transliteration and notation may be found in the Introduction.

Inscription Date (AD) Location Name
2 878-9 northwest Fârs province Khâzim b. Muh.ammad
2 878-9 northwest Fârs province Khâzim b. Muh.ammad b. Khâzim
2 921 northwest Fârs province Muh.ammad b. Yusûf b. Khâzim
3 920-1 Caucasus Mullâ S.afar b. Sa`d
3 920-1 Caucasus Muh.ammad b. Ja`far
5 946-7 Fârs province `Abd allâh b. ... b. Jîlawayh, ruler of [?]
6 June 955 Persepolis, Fârs province The amir Abu Shujâ` `Ad.ud al-Dawla
6 June 955 Persepolis, Fârs province `Ali b. al-Sarî, the scribe from Karaj
6 June 955 Persepolis, Fârs province Mârasfand, the [Zoroastrian] priest from Kâzarûn
7 955-6 Persepolis, Fârs province `Ad.ud al-Dawla Fannâkhusraw b. al-H.asan
8 959-60 Fârs province `Uthman b. `Affân
8 959-60 Fârs province H.âmid/H.amd b. Mûsâ al-sayyid [?] al-nah.h.âs [?] [coppersmith?] min Sîrân [from Sîrân]
8 959-60 Fârs province the exalted amir `Ad.ud al-Dawla Abu Shujâ` b. Rukn al-Dawla
12 984-5 Malâwî district of Luristan near Khurramâbâd the great amir Abû'l-Najm Badr b. H.asanwayh b. al-H.usayn
12 985-6 near Khurramâbâd in Luristan the most exalted amir Abû'l-Najm Badr b. H.asanwayh
18 1001-2 Persepolis The king of kings [malik al-mulûk], the shâhânshâh, Bahâ' al-Dawla wa D.iyâ' al-Milla wa Ghiyâth al-Umma [aider of the nation] Abû Nas.r b. 'Ad.ud al-Dawla wa Tâj al-Milla
18 1001-2 Persepolis the chief amir Abû Mans.ûr b. Bahâ' al-Dawla wa D.iyâ al-Milla wa Ghiyâth al-Umma [aider of the nation]
19 1006-7 Gurgân in the province of Mâzandarân the amir Shams al-Ma`âlî, the amir son of the amir, Qâbûs ibn Wushmgîr
20 1008-9 Chagnî district of Luristân near Khurramâbâd the most exalted amir Abu'l-Najm Badr b. H.asanwayh b. al-H.usayn
21 1010 Khiva, Uzbekistan the jurisprudent Abu'l al-Fad.l al-Muhallabî
21 1010 Khiva, Uzbekistan Muh.ammad b. `Alî the wood-carver
28 1010-11 Gurgânj, Turkmenistan The amir, the sayyid, the just prince Abu'l `Abbâs Ma'mûn ibn Ma'mûn Khwârazmshâh
29 1013-14 now in Khurramâbâd the most exalted amir Abu'l-Najm Badr b. H.asanwayh b. al-H.usayn, client of the Commander of the Faithful [mawlâ amîr al-mu'minîn]
31 1016-21 Râdkân valley, province of Gurgân/ Mâzandarân the amir, the important lord [al-amîr al-sayyid al-khat.îr], Abu Ja`far Muh.ammad b. Wandarîn Bâwand, client of the Commander of the Faithful [mawlâ amîr al-mu'minîn]
31 1016-21 Râdkân valley, province of Gurgân/ Mâzandarân The is.pahbad [army chief] Abu Ja`far Muh.ammad b. Wandarîn Bâwand, client of the Commander of the Faithful [mawlâ amîr al-mu'minîn]
32 1022-3 Lâjîm, province of Mâzandarân The great prince [al-kiyâ al-jalîl] Abi'l-Fawâris. Shahryâr b. al-`Abbas b. Shahryâr, Client of the Commander of the Faithful [mawlâ amîr al-mu'minîn]
32 1022-3 Lâjîm, province of Mâzandarân The noble lady Chihrâzâdh, daughter of Sh-l-y X-v-r [?]
32 1022-3 Lâjîm, province of Mâzandarân al-H.usayn b. `Alî
33 1022-3 Qurva, Gîlân province Nas.r b. Muh.ammad al-Tamîmî [an Arab tribe]
34 1026-7 Dâmghân in Qûmis Province The fortunate [al-sa`îd , indicates decease] governor [al-h.âjib] Abu Ja`far Muh.ammad b. Ibrahîm
34 1026-7 Dâmghân in Qûmis Province Bakhtyâr [son of Abu Ja`far Muh.ammad b. Ibrahîm]
34 1026-7 Dâmghân in Qûmis Province `Alî b. Ah.mad b. al-H.usayn b. Shâh, the builder [al-bannâ'] son of the builder [? could also be king of the builders]
35 1026-7 Dâmghân in Qûmis Province The exalted [al-jalîl] governor [h.âjib] Bakhtyâr b. Muh.ammad
35 1026-7 Dâmghân in Qûmis Province The amir, the most exalted lord, Falak al-Ma`âlî
36 1019-28 southeast of Sirjân in the province of Kirmân Amir a` [august amir] H.usayn b. `Alî
37 1031-5 Simnân in Qûmis province The exalted amir, the lord Abu H.arb Bakhtyâr b. Muh.ammad, Client of the Commander of the Faithful [mawlâ amîr al-mu'minîn]
39 1038 Yazd, central Iran The exalted amir al-Mas`ûd al-Bihishtî Abu'l-Najm [Badr, son of Inâl and client of the Commander of the Faithful]
39 1038 Yazd, central Iran The exalted commander al-Mus.affar [sic] Abu Yaq`ûb [, son of Inâl and client of the Commander of the Faithful]
39 1038 Yazd, central Iran Badr
39 1038 Yazd, central Iran
40 1035-40 Ghazna [Abu Sa`î]d Masûd b. Yamîn al-Dawla
41 1040-41 Yazd, central Iran The amir al-Mas`ûd al-Bihishtî Abu'l-Najm Badr [son of Inâl and Client of the Commander of the Faithful]
41 1040-41 Yazd, central Iran The amir al-Muz.affar Abu Ya`qûb Ish.âq [son of Inâl and Client of the Commander of the Faithful]
42 1041-2 Waruh Gorge, Uzbekistan The most exalted prince, the wise and just lord, Mu`izz al-Dawla Arslân Tikîn Abu'l Fad.l al-`Abbâs b. Mu'ayyad al-`Adl Ilik, son of the amir Nas.r b. `Alî Sa`îd Khân, client of the Commander of the Faithful
43 24 October 1046 Persepolis, Fârs province The august shahanshah, king of kings, vivifier of [God's] religion, succorer of God's servants, associate of God's caliph, Abu Kâlîjar b. Sult.ân al-Dawla, glorifier of the Commander of the Faithful
44 Jan.-Feb. 1053 Persepolis, Fârs province The illustrious amir, the chief amir `Amîd al-Dîn Shams al-Dawla Abî [sic] `Alî Hazârasb b. Sayf al-Dawla Abi'l-H.asan Nas.r b. al-H.asan b. Fîrûzân, client of the Commander of the Faithful
45 1054-5 Dâmghân in Qûmis province The exalted amir Abu Shujâ` Asfâr Begî [?] Pîr [?] of Is.fahân [al-amîr al-jalîl abu shujâ` asfâr begî pîr is.fahân]
46 1056-7 Abarqûh in Fârs province The exalted amir, the fortunate, departed lord, `Amîd al-Dîn Shams al-Dawâla [sic] Abu `Alî Hazârasp b. Sayf al-Dawla Abu'l-H.asan Nas.r b. al-H.asan b. al-Fîrûzân
46 1056-7 Abarqûh in Fârs province Fîrûzân [son of Hazârasp and Nâz]
46 1056-7 Abarqûh in Fârs province The illustrious lady Nâz bt. Kashmîr [?]
47 1055-60 Safîd Bulan, Uzbekistan Sayf-i Dawla M-l-kân
47 1055-60 Safîd Bulan, Uzbekistan Mu`izz . . . -l Malik, son of Sayf-i Dawla
48 1062 Naqsh-i Rustam, Fârs province al-Khusraw [in the army]
49 1063 Ganja (Kirovabad) Our lord, the amir, the most exalted sayyid Shâvur b. al-Fad.l
49 1063 Ganja (Kirovabad) The judge Abu'l-Faraj Muh.ammad b. `Abdallâh
49 1063 Ganja (Kirovabad) Ibra[hîm] b. `Uthmân b. `Ankawayh, the smith
50 1067-8 Kharraqân Abu Sa`îd Taqjar [?] Ibn
50 1067-8 Kharraqân Muh.ammad b. Makkî al-Zanjanî
51 1068-9 Zavâra in Jibâl/Is.fahân province Muh.ammad b. Ibrahîm
51 1068-9 Zavâra in Jibâl/Is.fahân province Abû `Abdallâh Muh.ammad b. Ibrahîm
52 July 1073 Ani in Caucasia/Armenia Khwâja [vizier?] H.amza b. Qubâd-shâh b. Mah.mûd
53 July 1073 Ani in Caucasia/Armenia The exalted amir, the victorious Shujâ- al-Dawla Abu Shujâ` Manûchihr b. Shâvûr
55 1073-4 Rayy, south of Tehran The most exalted shaykh, the lord, the chief, Abu'l Mans.ûr `Abd al-Jalîl b. Fâris, the servant [?]
56 1073-4 Kâshân in Jibâl/Is.fahân province The illustrious, deceased [?] qadi Abû [H.amd (?)] b. Ah.mad
56 1073-4 Kâshân in Jibâl/Is.fahân province The shaykh Abi'l Qasim Mûsâ b. Muh.ammad
57 1072-7 Khargird, Qûhistân [The ima]m, the just, Niz.âm al-Mulk Qawâm al-Dî[n ... Abû `Alî al-H.asan ibn `Al]î ibn, favored one of the Commander of Believers
57 1072-7 Khargird, Qûhistân The shaykh, the official, the well-born, the lord, Sadîd al-Dawla Abu ...
59 1081-2 Baku, on the Caspian Sea The master, the chief Muh.ammad b. Abî Bakr
60 1086-7 Ani in Caucasia/Armenia The most exalted amir Shujâ` al-Dawla Abu Shujâ` Manuchihr b. Shâvur
60 1086-7 Ani in Caucasia/Armenia Our lord, the great sultan, the august shahanshah, ... [king of the] East and the West, Abu'l Fath. Malik Shâh b. Alp Arslân
61 Sept. 1086 - March 1087 Is.fahân The great sultan, august shahanshah, king of the East and the West, pillar of Islam and the Muslims, strengthener of the world and religion, Abu'l-Fath. Malikshâh b. Muh.ammad b. Da'ûd, right hand of God's caliph, the Commander of the Faithful
61 Sept. 1086 - March 1087 Is.fahân al-H.asan b. `Alî b.
61 Sept. 1086 - March 1087 Is.fahân Abi'l-Fath. Ah.mad b. Muh.ammad, the treasurer
62 1088-9 Is.fahân Abu'l-Ghanâ'im [father of spoils] al-Marzûbân ibn Khusrawfîrûz
63 1081-9 Tirmidh/Termez, Uzbekistan Abu'l-Muz.affar Ah.mad T.ighâ-[tikin]
64 1065-85 Nîshâpûr The great sultan, august shahanshah, lord of the Arabs and the Persians, sultan of God's land, ruler of God's country, pillar of Islam and the Muslims, strengthener of the world and religion, Abû'l-Fath. Malikshâh b. Muh.ammad b. Da'ûd, right hand of God's caliph, the Commander of the Faithful
65 1093-4 Kharraqân Abi Mans.ûr [...] b. Tikîn
65 1093-4 Kharraqân Abi Ma`âlî b. Makkî al-Zanjânî
66 1096-7 Mihmândûst, Qûmis province The amir, the chief, the lord Abû Ja'far Muh.ammad b. `Alî the hospitable
66 1096-7 Mihmândûst, Qûmis province Ibrâhîm b. Idrîs [...]
69 1059-99 Ghazna, Afghanistan ... of kings, the lord of sultans, Abu'l-Muz.affar Ibrahîm
69 1059-99 Ghazna, Afghanistan The most august sultan, Abu'l-Muz.affar Ibrahîm b. [Mas`ûd]
69 1059-99 Ghazna, Afghanistan ... supporter of religion, aider of Muslims, Abu'l-Muz.affar Ibrahîm b. [Mas`ûd]
70 1094-9 Rayy, south of Tehran The master ..., the lord, Shams al-Dîn, Majd al-Mulk, Masnad al-Dawla, Abu'l-Fad.l As`ad b. Muh.ammad b. Mûsâ, trustworthy of the Commander of the Faithful
70 1094-9 Rayy, south of Tehran Abi'l-Fawa-...
70 1094-9 Rayy, south of Tehran `Alî b. M-.../al-M-h.-...
71 1101-2 Dihistân, Turkmenistan Abû Ja`far Ah.mad ibn Abû'l-Ughuzz, the keeper of the ribat
71 1101-2 Dihistân, Turkmenistan `Alî b. Ziyâda
71 1101-2 Dihistân, Turkmenistan [Ah.mad] b. Abû'l-Ughuzz
72 1096-1106 Dandânqân/Dash Rabat, Turkmenistan Abû Bakr ibn ...
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan The sayyid Yah.yâ b. Zayd b. `Alî b. al-H.usayn b. `Alî b. Abî T.alib
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan Salm b. Ah.waz
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan Nas.r b. Sayyâr
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan al-Walîd b. Yazîd
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan Abû H.amza b. Muh.ammad
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan Abû `Abdallâh Muh.ammad b. Shâdhân al-Fârisî
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan The amir Abî Nas.r
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan The amir Muh.ammad b. Ah.mad
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan ...[Shâdhâ]n al-Fârisî
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan The exalted shaykh, Abu `Abdallâh Muh.ammad b. Shâ[dhâ]n al-Fârisî
75 c. 1106 Anbar/Sar-i Pul, Afghanistan Abû Nas.r Muh.ammad b. Ah.mad al-Tirmidhî
76 c. 1106 Vakil Bazar, Turkmenistan Muh.ammad ibn Abî Bakr al-Sîfadanjî
76 c. 1106 Vakil Bazar, Turkmenistan Muh.ammad ibn `Abdallâh
79 c. 1106 Risgit, province of Mâzandarân H.urmuzdyâr, son of M-s-d-r-â [Masdarâ?]
79 c. 1106 Risgit, province of Mâzandarân H.-b-û-syâr, son of M-s-d-r-â [Masdarâ?]

Onomastics Articles - Ursula Georges